At Alight we want to find teachers that have a similar passion for education. We strive to better ourselves and help one another to create a fine-tuned system that is both progressive and responsive to both teacher and students’ needs. Here are some of the reasons to join Alight.

  • Working with Alight we have you covered. From building a relationship with the Alight family to creating the study plans for each class. Our founder has created a system to ease you in. So you can focus on what you do best. We are a company that want to put the passion back in the students and the teachers.

  • The main reason we want to certify our teachers is that we want to guarantee our students the best. We know that students and teachers have to build a close relationship to have that level of trust and support. By vetting each and every one of our teachers we give both the parents and students peace of mind that the teacher that they are assigned to is proven to be successful. To make the transition of finding a new tutor to as simple as possible.

  • We know it is hard to know how to advance your career. That is why we will always assign a senior team member to each new teacher to ease them into our team. To help them find their dream job where they get to teach in a way that accents their own passion. From helping you with your time management to building your portfolio we want to train every member of our team to be capable of training others in the future.

  • Take control of your own life. Let us know what works best for you. Doesn’t matter if teaching is a part-time or full-time gig. We want to be there for you to give you the lifestyle that can produce the best results in your teaching and your everyday life.

  • After being certified and becoming a trusted member of the Alight family. We will give you the freedom to pick and choose the way you want to prepare your study plan within our system. We know that the teacher that spends the most time with our students has the best idea of what they are going through, that is why we want to give you the freedom to bring your unique teaching methods to light.

  • Each of our sessions will be recorded by our system to give maximum accountability to both our students and teachers. These will be reviewed by a senior member of our team whenever a situation occurs that requires accountability to protect both the teachers and the students.


Become Alight Teacher